In the last post, we covered ELFs and memory layouts. I concluded the article with the promise of walking through an example program in execution to help visualize things better….
A quick dive into Linux’s ELF and how these are combined to generate an executable ELF. The post also covers a brief on the memory layout of a process.
This is the first part of a series of posts in an attempt to piece together how your computer really runs your code. The topic by itself could have an…
In the previous post, we saw a general outline of the interview process and a few pointers on how to polish your resume to help you stand out. In this…
Okay, this one isn’t exactly for the “wider non-technical audience” that I intended to write for in the first place. But as it turns out, two of the most frequent…
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. ― Friedrich Nietzsche As a laptop or smartphone owner, you’re probably…
In the last post, we covered a little bit about what it means to be writing code (you can check it out here). That is, we briefly discussed what you…
If I’m being candid, there is already a whole bunch of content out there on the subject of programming. (If you want to get started on a full-blown course learning…
I’m not gonna lie… Writing this first sentence was surprisingly challenging. I ran through a million different scenarios on how I’d begin my first blog post. Should I sound formal…