Akshay Pai
The Coding Interview And How Best To Prepare

The Coding Interview And How Best To Prepare

Akshay Pai 1 year ago

In the previous post, we saw a general outline of the interview process and a few pointers on how to polish your resume to help you stand out. In this…

Akshay Pai
All About The Resume

All About The Resume

Akshay Pai 1 year ago

Okay, this one isn’t exactly for the “wider non-technical audience” that I intended to write for in the first place. But as it turns out, two of the most frequent…

Akshay Pai
Hello World!

Hello World!

Akshay Pai 2 years ago

I’m not gonna lie… Writing this first sentence was surprisingly challenging. I ran through a million different scenarios on how I’d begin my first blog post. Should I sound formal…