Hello World!

astronaut waving

I’m not gonna lie… Writing this first sentence was surprisingly challenging. I ran through a million different scenarios on how I’d begin my first blog post. Should I sound formal or would it make more sense for this post to sound more like an informal chat with me? If you’ve ever played any of the Pokemon games on Nintendo and took forever to settle on an in-game name for your character, you’d probably understand my dilemma right now. (FYI, Emerald was my favorite. Still wish I was able to catch myself a Feebas in that itsy-bitsy lake on Route 119)

But anyways, enough for that. My name is Akshay Pai. I currently work as a Software Engineer at Google. I’d consider myself a nerd in every sense of the word. I enjoy binging on science-based content on Youtube (I’m looking at you Kurzgesagt 🫦). I love to read fantasy fiction (although to be fair to me, I do read other genres too). And if you aren’t convinced of my nerdism yet, you should know that I’m up to date on One Piece (I’ll give it a few minutes for that to sink in).

Now more importantly, why the blog you ask? Teaching people about programming and CS is something that has always been super close to my heart. To be able to take things apart and look at how things work under the hood is absolutely magical if you ask me. This blog is my first step in that direction. P.S: I am by no means a great writer (maybe this exercise will help me get better? but that’s really not the intent of this blog), but I do hope that this attempt to demystify Computer Science is helpful to somebody 🙂
