
The Flow Of Electricity and Math

robot doing math

In the last post, we covered a little bit about what it means to be writing code (you can check it out here). That is, we briefly discussed what you and I see when writing code. But to a computer, the little python script we wrote really makes no sense. After all, it’s no different from any other text file you store on your computer.

If you’ve ever taken a class on anything related to computers in school, you’ve probably heard the phrase “a computer only understands 0s and 1s”. Although that statement is an over-simplification of what happens under the hood, there’s some truth to it. So in this post, let’s try to see what it really means for a computer to only understand either a 0 or a 1.

FYI, most of my images are generated by AI and have no real reason for being on my posts 🙂 Check out DALL-E tho

Let’s work our way up here. We start with logic gates. (I’ve skipped a few levels such as transistors. We can get into that in a different post).

So… Logic Gates?

Logic gates are little electrical circuits and as the name suggests implement a tiny bit of logic (duh).

An example logic gate

They’re made of transistors and essentially are little circuitry that manipulates the way electricity flows. Let’s take an example; the AND gate.

The AND Gate

The AND gate takes two input signals/wires and spits out its output on a single output wire.

The symbol for an AND gate

Here, you can see two different wires going into the AND gate, namely A and B. Each input can be in one of two states; either there’s electricity flowing through that wire or not; that is, it’s either a 1 or a 0. This is the origin of “computers understand 0s and 1s”.

The resulting wire represented by A·B can also only ever be two outputs (well… like all wires, there’s either electricity flowing through the wire or not; that is, 1 or 0). But for an AND gate, the result wire A·B is only ever 1 if BOTH A and B are 1 (that is, if and only if both A and B have electricity flowing through them, will the AND gate allow electricity out). That’s the “logic” part. How does the AND gate work? We’ll have to look into the transistors that make up the logic gate and to keep things simple, we’ll have to skip that part.

Anyways, the function of a gate can be represented in a tabular format popularly referred to as the Truth Table. Let’s take a look at what the truth table of an AND gate looks like.

The truth table for an AND gate. Only when A and B are 1, A·B is 1.

As you can see in the above table, only when A and B are both 1, the result is 1. In every other scenario, the result is a 0.

The OR Gate

Just like the AND gate, there are several logic gates that are of interest to us. Firstly, there is the OR gate whose output results in a 1 if EITHER A or B are a 1. The truth table would look as follows

AB A + B
The truth table for an OR gate. As long as either A or B are a 1, A + B is 1.

The XOR Gate

Then there’s the XOR (mutually exclusive OR) gate, whose result is a 1 if EITHER A or B have a 1 but not both. The truth table looks as follows.

AB A ⊕ B
The truth table for an XOR gate. As long as only one of A or B is 1, A ⊕ B is 1.

There are several other logic gates out there. Each is represented by a unique symbol assigned to it.

Alright! So now that we understand logic gates a little better, let’s go one step higher and make something meaningful out of these logic gates. Before we do that, I want to take a quick detour and explain binary numbers.

Binary numbers 101

In the decimal system, we use a base of 10. What that really means is, there are only 10 numbers (0 to 9). So, when you perform 9 + 1, you really have no other number left. So to solve this dilemma, what you end up doing is, you reset back to 0 and carry over the spillage to a new place resulting in 10. The 1 in the 10’s place basically indicates that the original number can be represented as 10 * 1 + 0. So taking a random number, 125, this is basically 10^2 * 1 + 10^1 * 2 + 10^0 * 5 (no surprises there I hope?).

Binary numbers follow all the same rules except using a base of 2. So instead of the flip-over happening at 9, it happens at 1. A binary number 1011 is nothing but 2^3 * 1 + 2^2 * 0 + 2^1 * 1 + 2^0*1 which equals the number 11. The rules for addition for example are the same too.

Adding the number 11 with the number 7 in binary. The rules for carry-over are the same. When you hit a number bigger than 2, carry it forward.

Our little adder circuit

Alright, so now, we’re going to challenge ourselves a little bit. Let’s construct a circuit that adds 1-bit numbers (a bit is a fancy way of saying a binary number) using the logic gates we’ve learned about.

Some quick binary math first

I like to start off in these situations by constructing the truth table first and then building the circuit accordingly. Let’s see if we can piece this together. In all the truth tables so far, we’ve only had a single output. But for my adder, let’s have two separate outputs, Sum and Carry-Over.

What just happened here?

Carry-Over will represent the part that gets carried over during addition (if any). Sum will represent the part that we write down. Don’t worry if this didn’t make any sense. This part should help clarify it.

Okay…? How did I do this? Let’s walk through this table a little bit. So since I expect this bit to be a little confusing, I’ve broken down each case one by one.

I’d recommend going over this image and comparing it with the truth table above to make sure it checks out

We’ve defined Sum to be what we write down (completely ignoring the carry-over). Carry-Over is the part that gets actually carried over. If you look at Case 4 specifically, the sum of 1 and 1 is 10 in binary. The Sum part of that would be the 0 we actually write down and output the carry over in its own output.

So now, I hope you’re convinced that the truth table for our addition checks out. Based on the truth table, let’s try to reverse engineer the circuit we would require to produce the same output as our truth table.

Time to build the circuit

First, let’s figure out how we’d generate the Sum column given inputs A and B. If you refer back to the truth table of the XOR gate (don’t be lazy. scroll back up and check the truth table for the XOR gate), you’d see that the Sum column is nothing but the XOR of A and B.

Secondly, if you look at the Carry column in the truth table, you’ll see that the Carry column is nothing but the AND gate’s truth table with respect to inputs A and B.

So there we go! Let’s see what the circuit would look like for a 1-bit adder. The circuit would take two inputs, and spit out two outputs, which would be the Carry and the Sum.

This circuit is what we refer to as a “half adder”. A similar circuit can be generated for taking 3 inputs which is referred to as a full-adder circuit.

Putting all of this together

From here, we can work our way further. The above circuit adds two 1-bit numbers. If you want to add two 2-bit numbers, you chain similar circuits together (you’d also use the Carry as an input) until you have an adder for a 2-bit number.

Remember our function add_numbers in the last post? We defined a function and invoked it later by calling its name along with the arguments as its input. A modern processor does something similar. The processor in your computer comes with an “instruction set” which is a set of basic instructions that the processor is able to perform. (Here is an example set of instructions that the x86 family of microprocessors use). When you write any piece of code, you run it by another software to convert it from the human-readable version into a series of instructions that your computer can actually understand (instructions that are specified in the instruction set).

For example, the x86 instruction set supports the ADD instruction which adds two 64-bit numbers. (Just take the 1-bit adder circuit, chain it up a few times and make a 64-bit adder). When your compiled code contains an ADD instruction, your computer takes the two binary numbers and passes electricity through just the wires that are specified by the input numbers. The circuit logic will “do the addition” by essentially looking at which output wires contain electricity.

And that’s a wrap!

We started from a basic logic gate, something that took two 1-bit binary numbers and implemented some bare minimal logic. Out of that, we built an adder which combined some of these logic gates to do something more. We then chained several of these 1-bit adders to get a 64-bit adder. And now, each time your computer runs any program, electricity flows through this circuit to do your computation.

A Brief Introduction To Programming

corgi writing a program

If I’m being candid, there is already a whole bunch of content out there on the subject of programming. (If you want to get started on a full-blown course learning how to code in Python, for example, I’d start with FreeCodeCamp)

However, if somebody was trying to explain to me how the engine of a car worked, it would be a very confusing lesson if I hadn’t the slightest clue on how to drive. Someone who can drive may not necessarily understand what happens when you “hit the gas” but is at least a little better equipped to understand how things work. So let’s go for a drive!

a hackerman who is visibly frustrated as his unit tests fail for no apparent reason
Me busy at work. True story

Programming, at its core, is all about data manipulation. You give your code an input, it performs the set of instructions you’ve asked it to on that input and it gives you an output. The input can come in a lot of different forms; numbers, text, images, and so on. They can also come from a variety of sources; user-provided input, computer-generated input, over a network, from a database, (you get the point…). Once you have this input, you can write “code” which is basically a set of instructions telling your computer how to manipulate this data to get a useful output out of it.

Let’s look at our first ever python script!

def add_numbers(num1, num2):
	return num1 + num2

first_number = int(input("First number: "))
second_number = int(input("Second number: "))
result = add_numbers(first_number, second_number)

Let’s run this piece of code now. I’ve saved this file as

~ python3 
First number: 5
Second number: 10

Underwhelming? Probably. But let’s take a better look at what this snippet is really doing. (Okay now, I might butcher some of the lingoes for the sake of clarity. So I apologize to my fellow nerds ahead of time).

Remember how I said that all a piece of “code” does is take an input, do something with it, and return an output? You’d be able to see that pattern all over this script that we just wrote. In programming, something is called “a function” if you can invoke it by its name (bear with me here). If you see Line #1, I’ve defined a new kind of function called add_numbers which takes two inputs num1 and num2. And what does this function do? That part is defined in Line #2. The function is expected to give back num1 + num2. That’s what the return keyword is for. It asks the function to compute num1 + num2 and give back the result to whoever invoked the function. The indentation in Line #2 (the blank space before the return keyword) indicates that Line #2 is part of the function body and not a part of our overall snippet. (You’ll see that Line #4 for example does not have any blank space before it. This is how python knows what part of the code belongs in the function body and where the function body ends). Only at Line #6 is when I actually go ahead and invoke the function by its name add_numbers along with the inputs this function takes which are comma-separated inside the parentheses add_numbers(first_number, second_number).

Just like how we defined our own functions, python comes with a set of pre-packaged functions that we can use. The act of taking input from the user is a pretty commonly used functionality in most programs and therefore, you’d see the input function on Line #4. I did not define a input function. I knew Python had a built-in function (Link to docs) for this. And as the doc mentions, you can pass the prompt to be displayed as part of the input collection process which I specified as "First number: ". Similarly, the int function on Line #4. I knew that the input function outputted a string but I wanted an integer since I was looking to add those numbers. Therefore, I passed the output of the input function as the input to the int function so that the int function could give me the integer equivalent. The same line could have been broken down as follows:

string_number = input("First number: ")
first_number = int(string_number)

Okay, this is the last part of the code I’ll talk about. Do you see the left-hand side of any of these lines? string_number = input("First number: "). What we’re instructing python to do is, compute the input function with the input "First number: " and store its output in a variable named string_number. A variable can be thought of as a box. The output of the input function is stored in a box named string_number which can now be passed along to other functions such as int as input.

Okay phew, that was quite a bit. But on the bright side, we’re now officially done looking at code snippets! For now…

Now, instead of looking at “code” as a black box, we can start thinking of it as a collection of “functions” strung together.

a tree format of the same code. functions are connected to each other via lines representing the flow of data
The same program with the flow of data visualised as a “tree”.

Alright. So far, we’ve seen that any code can basically be represented as a “chain of functions”; much like an assembly line in a factory. Data flows in, are acted on by functions and the result of this becomes the input of other functions down the line. But to be completely honest with you… this is a human representation of code. This isn’t what my computer saw when I ran python Or atleast, this isn’t the complete picture. I’ll save that part for another blog post.